Core competence

The ability to envision future-proof systems that go beyond linear development from the current modus operandi.

Whether you're a passionate photographer, an ambitious filmmaker, or a solo entrepreneur in the creative field, the demands on modern media and production systems are constantly rising. From hobbyists and prosumers to agencies and companies in the media, photography, advertising, and film industries – everyone shares the need for powerful, efficient, and flexible solutions that enable them to bring their creative and business visions to life.

From individuals and small entrepreneurs to large agencies, anyone involved in producing, processing, or managing media content needs systems that not only meet current demands but also anticipate future developments and innovations.


My Portfolio

Here’s what I’ve accomplished so far:

PRE-Digital 18 years in film and photo productions, agencies, and media companies
DIGITAL Pioneering R&D and developing a full-featured Media Asset Management system in 1997
Key Asset Designed System Architecture and Media Asset Management for Porsche, SAP, Siemens, several broadcasters, and many others
  • System architecture - hardware and software for the asset management
  • Plan and develop the system according to the use cases
  • Developed local and on-premise hardware-based transcoding solutions for all media formats
  • Created and integrated seamless digital workflows across diverse IT environments
PROFESSIONAL ROLE AND PROFILE Since 2004, R&D lead and CTO of Flow Works GmbH, in charge of both conceptualizing and implementing AI solutions using local GPU hardware as the latest project. Ensuring full data privacy and data security for the customers.

A few Key References with Flow Works

  • Porsche media database and Porsche Digital Archive, VW, Audi, Mini
  • National Library of Wales, TIB, Hasso Plattner Institut Potsdam
  • Viacom (MTV, Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, and more), Tele5, RTL, France-TV, Pro7, Sat1
  • Publicis, Wolff Brothers, Embassy of Dreams, GAP films
  • and many more



My Approach

I make the most ambitious visions into reality, ensuring that it is not only technically feasible but also efficient and scalable.

FIELD OF EXPERTISE Video, Photography, Data Integration, System Architecture, Hardware, AI
MOTTO Keep innovating - the grass is always greener on the other side.
MY CONTRIBUTION I act as a strategic partner who is able to both conceptualize needed solutions as well as develop them in practice.
  • Each solution needs to be rock-solid and based on Open Source
  • Data Privacy and Data Security at the highest level
  • Linux as a core platform
  • Using compact and efficient hardware


I will help guide your media vision to the destination you envision. Together, we can make it happen.

My focus has always been on thinking outside of current systems rather than following traditional approaches. In my development work, I have strived to consistently find more agile and lightweight solutions than what at the time existed on the market. My core specialty is system architecture, combined with an understanding of how to make the best use of various system components (such as CPUs and GPUs) to generate unprecedented speed, efficiency, and completely new features within the field of media handling.I have throughout the years bravely sought innovative solutions to reach new levels of efficiency with media handling, for example by bringing MAM to smaller entities and making MAM systems available to new types of customer groups.Through cutting-edge pilot projects and a relentless, iterative approach to testing, I have introduced numerous groundbreaking innovations and patents to the market.

Is it achievable? Yes, it is possible.
What do you need to get there? Scroll down and let’s assess the requirements together.